Have you ever interacted with an angel? I’d be curious to hear your story, if you have.
I bet most of you have seen episodes of what I considered a very inspirational TV show, “Touched By An Angel.” I even have a book with stories from this hit television series. This book is of the same name as the show and is written by Martha Williamson and Robin Sheets.
Having already gone through one rather intense “Dark Night of the Soul” back when my boyfriend (later, husband) skyjacked that airplane – which I wrote about in Falling Over Reno: The True Story of the Skyjacker’s Wife, I never dreamed I’d have to go through another one. Yet that is how the game of life unfolds some times. In early 1999, I was diagnosed with an “incurable illness” (and I never believed that “sentence” from the medical doctors for a NY minute). You can read about that on my website www.healingconnections.net. It is from my remarkable healing experience, that I was inspired to promote certain gifted energy healers. One was very instrumental in my complete recovery. My doctor was amazed. I was not, as I always had the faith that it would go away. But always I remind myself what a “walking miracle” I am, and grateful for this life.
Throughout that year and a half ordeal, many dear friends came to my assistance, as I was pretty much housebound. These include Barbra Cohn, who kindly drove me to my regular doctor appointments, with a stop at the nearby market so that I could purchase groceries on the way home. She very patiently carried those grocery bags up my three flights of steps. There also was Randy and Michael Faulkner. At the time, if something fell on the floor, I could not even pick it up. So Michael vacuumed (plus lent me a walking cane which later came in handy in a big way); Randy would trim my nails and cut my hair. These were certainly things I could not do for myself. Other friends would bring up gallons of water, meals and other gifts. These include Barbara Foster and Darcy Dill. It was Darcy who bought me my first (used) computer that could interact with the internet and paid for the first six months subscription to a provider service. Others would come up and do a group meditation with me. Of course, my ex-husband Eric Schwartz very kindly provided funds for my basic needs so that I could get by during this ordeal, for I could barely work on the phone for one or two hours per day. All of these “Earth Angels” are most fondly remembered for every single act of kindness, and may God richly bless them all.
I am sure you’ve had some Earth Angels in your life, too. Don’t they make the biggest difference? During that year and a half, I listened to many spiritual audiotapes and read books about actual angels. These include: Commune With the Angels: A Heavenly Handbook, by Jane M. Howard; A Book of Angels by Sophy Burnham, Where Angels Walk: True Stories of Heavenly Visitors, by Joan Wester Anderson, and I Speak and Heal for the Angels, by Elizabeth Rose. I especially enjoyed E. A. Terry’s Call An Angel!: Seventy-Two Angels and Their Gifts to Humanity. I was able to study about specialized types of angels and certainly called in a force of healing angels at regular intervals. What I’ve come to realize is that whereas angels are always at the ready to help humanity, they really cannot interfere in our karma, unless we ask! And I believe they deserve to be thanked in advance for their help.
Most of us have read of studies in which the power of prayer is proven, over and over again, as a patient improves, even with a group of strangers praying for them. It is the energy of our collective consciousness that joins together to bless the one being prayed for, I feel. Thus, we can do our own small part to contribute to the betterment of others near or far, and serve as Earth Angels, to various degrees, depending on our circumstances and abilities.
Wishing a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year, with lots of angelic blessings, including Divine Guidance, Divine Protection, as well as perfect health and perfect peace.