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What Price Is Love?

What Price Is Love?

Greetings, Readers!  Yes, it has been a long time since I've posted. I'm eager to connect with you all again. Thanks once more, to all who have purchased and read my book, Lost Over Reno: The True Story of the Skyjacker's Wife.  I'd appreciate any feedback you may...

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I suppose that some people might think of skydiving as the ultimate high, the biggest thrill they might experience while in a human body.  Just ask my ex-husband, the skyjacker!  But that's not what does it for me. At our Unity of Sedona service today, the spiritual...

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Rejoicing in the Flight of the Spirit

Rejoicing in the Flight of the Spirit

Just as many of you may have experienced, I lost an old friend yesterday. She reached the end of her long fight with cancer.  She was a most generous, kind-hearted and wonderful lady who will be sorely missed by her friends and family alike. She was my age. Events...

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Dare to Be Seen

Dare to Be Seen

Summer greetings to you from beautiful Boulder, Colorado, where I have the good fortune to be house-sitting for two months now.  Since it is hot as blazes in Sedona right now, this is a very wonderful turn of events to be here, and I hope your summer is going well,...

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Making a Choice…Making a Difference

Making a Choice…Making a Difference

It's nearly summertime, a season so many of us look forward to as a time to relax more, relish the longer days and enjoy getting out into Nature more and celebrating with friends.  Coming up soon, I'm visiting some very dear friends who were my "spiritual family" in...

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The House in the Alley

The House in the Alley

A couple of months before Robb was released on parole six years into his thirty-year federal sentence for the skyjacking of United flight 239, I rented a little house in an alley, in Reno.  He would be moving in there before I got back to town from my advanced...

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